FBI offers faith-based institutions resources to prevent attacks


“With the uptick of terror attacks against religious-based organizations, the FBI held an informational meeting between law enforcement and religious leaders from across the country Tuesday, hoping to expand its programs to include places of worship.” - W. Examiner


Lawsuit: Government negligent in Texas church massacre


“A family that lost several relatives during a mass shooting at a Texas church says the federal government was negligent by failing to report the gunman’s criminal information to a national database, according to a lawsuit filed this week.” RNS


The Real Reason We Have Mass Shootings


“Our problem is a widespread decline in moral values that has nothing to do with guns. That decline includes disrespect for those in authority, disrespect for oneself, little accountability for anti-social behavior, and a scuttling of religious teachings that reinforced moral values.” Intellectual Takeout


Shootings spark gun control discussion among Baptists


“While details of the proposals differ, their advocates agree the ultimate problem behind gun violence is spiritual and that believers should not allow differences on gun policy to divide them.” BPNews
