Moses Wore a Mask (and Other Reflections on COVID-19)


“his meek, pastorally intuitive use of a face covering in an unusual situation to aid God’s people in remaining under the ministry of His Word serves as a reasonable Scriptural example for church leadership to emulate and expect.” - Ref21


A Look at Evidence for Mask Effectiveness vs. COVID-19

Curiosity might kill cats but it’s a really good thing in humans. We could all use more of it. I offer the following to the masks-vs-COVID curious. My view on both mask use and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use—along with most other COVID-related questions—has been that being dogmatic isn’t appropriate either way.


Why conservative critics are wrong to oppose local face mask mandates


“While the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to issue a nationwide mask mandate, state and local governments do have a broad ‘police power’ that legally allows them to pass such regulations to protect public health and safety. The political question remains whether this is the best policy.


Why I’m Wearing a Mask to Church Next Sunday


“I will relinquish my ‘rights’ in order to serve others. Theologians have labeled Philippians 2:5-8 as ‘the great kenosis’ passage. It is a Greek word that describes the self-emptying of Jesus in order to live among us on His way to the cross. ‘Have this mind among yourselves…’” - Church Leaders


Christian, Please Wear a Face Mask: Part 1


“ ‘Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.’ If only things were that simple; if only we could laugh off the debate as hyperbolic virtue signaling from both sides. Most likely by the time you read this, though, we will have tragically raced past the 100,000 mark in this country’s fatality count.” - John Ellis
