Matt Chandler: Driscoll's departure doesn't change Acts 29's focus
“My hope is steadfastly to continue to plant churches that make much of Jesus, that lift up on high the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and see men and women saved by that message.” Chandler is the group’s new president.
Mark Driscoll out ... Matt Chandler in as the New President of Acts29
Matt Chandler Installed as the New President of Acts29A Note on Some TransitionsRecently, I sensed that not all was well in Acts 29. As my concerns grew, I recently resumed the presidency of Acts 29 to work directly with our network captains, most influential pastors, and staff.
Driscoll "has made an educated, informed decision to reject the historic, biblical definition of the relationship between the persons of the Trinity."
Mark Driscoll, the Trinity, and W. G. T. Shedd
Note that Driscoll rejects some important theology regarding the eternal generation of the Son, and the procession of the Spirit from the Father and the Son.
"How bad will it have to get before true leaders ... start calling the church—and some of these out-of-control exhibitionist preachers—to repentance?"
Phil Johnson on the most recent expression of a disturbing trend.
Mark Driscoll and T.D. Jakes - together for the Gospel?
T.D. Jakes will be joining us at Elephant From “About”: The Elephant Room features blunt conversations between seven influential pastors who share a common love for the Gospel but take differing approaches to ministry. No keynotes. No canned messages.
Douglas Wilson Defends Driscoll Invite & "Revelation"
“I have been part of too many (non-revelatory and yet sufficiently spooky) circumstances to say otherwise — I am speaking of remarkable guidances, provisions, answers to prayer, striking bits of random knowledge, etc. I would like to see us work out the protocols for how to talk about such things, and think it would be good if Phil and Mark could get together to work it through.