The Best Economy: Free and Fair, But Not Fixed


“From a Christian viewpoint, however, there are real concerns about economic fairness and justice. Yet, even after decades of pondering these issues, I still have lingering questions.” - Providence


Nobody’s Good Enough

It’s easy to forget sometimes, but the book of Revelation reveals. There’s a lot of mystery in the book’s details, but if we step back and focus on what’s clear, what emerges is a beautiful expression of the greatest truths any human being can be blessed to know.

I was reminded of this recently as our pastor preached through Revelation 5-7. Flowing through the awesome scenes, strange creatures, and epic moments of these chapters is a retelling of the great story of all of Scripture.


Not Guilty by Reason of Poverty


“The city of Seattle, having defunded their police by 18%, is now considering removing the criminal penalty for misdemeanor theft, trespass, and assault if the perpetrator suffers from poverty.” - Veith


As In Heaven: A New Podcast on Christian Conversations on Race and Justice


“…this upcoming season allows us to hear from many Black voices, including, among others, Sheila Wise Rowe (speaker, author, and artist), Isaac Adams (assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.), Daryll Williamson (lead pastor at Living Faith Bible Fellowship in Tampa and member of TGC’s leadership council), and Dr. Christina Edmondson (author, speaker, and educator).


On Government, Police, and Qualified Immunity

These days, there’s a lot to be said for tuning out the info-noise and basking in the bliss of ignorance. Why fret over what you can’t change? There is a Judge of All the Earth,1 and it isn’t me. “Fret not”!2

And, in the daily cacophony of clashing claims, who can sort the truth out of the mess anyway, right?

Well … not exactly.


Justice and Faith on the Earth

In Luke 18:1-8, we find a parable taught by Jesus that was uniquely recorded by Luke.

Interestingly, the parable revolves entirely around the concept of justice—perhaps the hottest topic going today.

… There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. 3 Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ (NKJV)
