If We Realize We’re Undeserving, Suddenly the World Comes Alive


“our hearts overflow with thanks that we who deserve nothing but judgment, death, and Hell are given deliverance, grace, and eternal life. Day after day, God favors us not only with leniency but also with beauties, delights, and privileges we have no right to expect.” - Randy Alcorn(link is external)


Start the Day Happy in God


“Some of us are gaunt, frail Christians because we’ve learned, like our world, to cater to the whims of our own fickle hearts rather than direct them and determine to reshape them.” - Desiring God(link is external)


Jesus: Good News of Great Happiness


“If the gospel we preach isn’t about happiness, then it contradicts God’s words in Isaiah 52:7. The gospel offers an exchange of misery-generating sin for happiness-giving righteousness provided by Jesus Himself.” - Randy Alcorn(link is external)


A Never Ending Gladness in God

A never ending gladness in God: Part of the title of this post is taken from chapter forty-five in John Piper’s book, Providence.(link is external) The title of the chapter is “New Bodies, New World, Never-Ending Gladness in God.”

Some preliminary side-tracking

John Piper has received criticism over the years. I think rightly so on some counts. So I get it. But there are those who write him off completely and warn others to not read him altogether. We must practice discernment.


All, Every, and Not One


“One day it will be said of all those who are his that God was faithful to his every word and true to his every promise.” - Challies(link is external)


Should Christians Desire to Be Happy?


“Ignatius of Antioch…wrote a letter beginning with these words: ‘To the Church which is at Ephesus … deservedly most happy… . Abundant happiness through Jesus Christ, and His undefiled joy.’” - Randy Alcorn(link is external)


On Schadenfreude and Freudenfreude


“…schadenfreude is a sin of the spirit, and freudenfreude is a fruit of the Spirit. Schadenfreude is rooted in envy, one of the darkest of the seven deadly sins.” - James Emery White(link is external)
