Let’s Talk about Compatibilism


“Most simply defined, it is the belief that determinism and free will are compatible. That is, it is possible to believe in both without contradiction.” - Roger Olson


Virginia church conference focuses on the image of God


“Inspired by current cultural debates regarding race and sexuality, the church began planning the event more than six months ago. The result brought a one-day conference covering a variety of topics, all concerning the doctrine of the Image of God.” - BPNews


The Real Reason Why Scandinavians Are So Happy


“…the research behind the World Happiness Report asks respondents to rate their lives on a scale of one to ten, with ten representing ‘the best possible life for you,’ and one representing the worst. …. the key, says Savolainen, is their low expectations. They don’t expect much, so they are highly satisfied, and, thus, very ‘happy.’” - Veith


The Fading Dream of the Computer Brain


“ ‘They showed you a simulation of some neural activity inside this. Suppose it looked different; how would you know that that was wrong or right?’ Sitting behind the camera, I replied, ‘Well, I wouldn’t know.’ Seung reiterated: ‘Right, how would anybody know what was a wrong activity pattern or right activity pattern?’” - Scientific American


The Human Distinction


“Transhumanism says that carbon as flesh is weak and carbon as mechanism is strong; at its most fundamentalist it preaches an eschaton of singularity, the upload of our minds—reduced or assumed to be ones and zeros—on immortal circuitries.” - TAC


In Consideration of Our Gendered Selves


“Almost thirty years since its first printing, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is still a top seller. There are also many other popular books like it. There is a reason for this…” - Scott Sauls


The psychology of fairness: Why some Americans don’t believe the election results


“…the act of discounting the fairness of a decision process when a decision violates one’s identity is not limited to one political party. For example, after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, Democrats tended to believe that his confirmation hearings were unjust, including the withholding of important evidence.
