4 Distinctives of a Christian View of Race

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

As #BlackLivesMatter, White-Fragility, and White-Privilege become flash points in our society, and as entire organizations have grown up around the concept of “racial reconciliation” it is critical to remember that Christians should think differently than the world on the topic of race.


The Year of Stupid


“Has any people’s uprising ever been as moronic as the Great Awokening?” - N. Review


New research from the Cultural Research Center: “only 39 percent of Americans today view human life as ‘sacred’”


“More than one-in-three adults (37 percent) say ‘life is what you make it, but it has no absolute value,’ while a little more than one-in-ten say ‘life does not attain its full value until we reach our highest point of evolution and expression.’ Another one out of ten adults admitted they did not know how to appraise the value of human life.” - TGC


How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel


“As a technologist in the field, I am intrigued by the cleverness in designs and algorithms of various AI disciplines advancing the world every day. However, I take issue with making super intelligence that out-performs humans the ultimate goal of AI. ” - CToday


Why We Need, More Than Ever Before, a Theology of Mankind


“Whether it’s our infatuation with the concept of identity, or the increasing ethical questions surrounding AI (artificial intelligence), many in and outside the church will agree that our own age presents myriad questions about what it means to be human.” - TGC


AI, sentience and human life


“Whether or not God could give a sentient machine or a human clone a soul is a different question….The unique description of humans as created in the image of God should lead us to think it highly unlikely that a machine or a clone would receive similar status.” - BPNews


Why Transhumanists’ Quest for Earthly Immortality is Misguided


“Followers active in the movement, like Kurzweil, take an unfathomable number of nutritional supplements each day. Those supplements supposedly slow the aging process, allowing time for science to kick in and enable transhumanists to achieve immortality. Some transhumanists believe their consciousness will be uploaded into a machine or a new body” - Intellectual Takeout
