When Christians Are Too Afraid to Hear Ben Shapiro Speak


“The school’s statement … claims that ‘our decision to cancel Shapiro’s speaking engagement is not a reflection of his ideologies or the values he represents, but rather a desire to focus on opportunities that bring people together.’ But de-platforming is inherently divisive.


Online Vs. in-Person Education: Theological Training Is Supposed to Be Hard


“In my previous post considering Dan Wallace’s recent article discussing online vs. in-person education I concluded that, especially regarding theological teaching, in-person education is superior to distance education—all other things being equal. But rarely if ever in life are all other things equal.” - DBTS Blog


SBU prof's firing, university's theology discussed


“As a former Southwest Baptist University professor appeals his termination for allegedly accusing faculty colleagues of deviating from theological orthodoxy, the university has commissioned an “external peer assessment” to include “evaluations regarding orthodoxy” on the Bolivar, Mo., campus.” - BPNews
