What Christ Teaches Concerning Future Retribution
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Two thirds (67 percent) of Americans believe heaven is a real place, according to the survey….Just under half of Americans (45 percent) say there are many ways to heaven… Catholics (67 percent) and Mainline Protestants (55 percent) are most likely to say heaven’s gates are wide open, with many ways in.
John MacArthur on Died-and-went-to-heaven-and-back Books
“These are not books any reputable evangelical publisher would have given a second glance to just twenty years ago.”
“Readers not only get a twisted, unbiblical picture of heaven from these tall tales; they also imbibe a subjective, superstitious, shallow brand of spirituality.”
There are three basic perspectives regarding life after death. Some believe such notions are pure fantasy. There is no such future—no continuation of consciousness after death. We live out our days in this world, then it’s lights out. Forever.
A second perspective is held by those uncertain about life beyond the grave. Such people are generally a hopeful lot. While never brimming with confidence, they suspect there is life after death and knock on wood that the experience will be a happy one. It’s all a mysterious prospect.
A third perspective is held by those who live with confident expectation of life beyond the grave. A degree of mystery is acknowledged; but they remain convinced death is a portal leading to continuing consciousness on the other side.
People in either of the first two categories share a life orientation that focuses primarily on the rewards of this life. Some from the first category are bold enough to insist that those who die with the most toys win. Grasp all you can get now. Eat, drink, and be merry. There is no future existence and thus no reckoning or eternal reward. Others in this first category labor less selfishly, desiring to leave the world a better place than they found it. Nonetheless, the focus is on this life. There is no other for which to live.
“…please hear me say that you don’t need to read the books to make these statements. The very presence of the books is the problem not even necessarily what they contain.”