What Is the Theology of Self-Care?


“If we’re not careful, we can buy into a kind of modern-day gnostic heresy, where we deny the value of the body and the reality of our need to care for it.” - Christian Leaders


Weekly Church Attendance Leads to Better Health


“Citing numerous studies and analyses, VanderWeele argues that the evidence suggests weekly religious service attendance is associated with ‘lower mortality risk, lower depression, less suicide, better cardiovascular disease survival, better health behaviors, and greater marital stability, happiness, and purpose in life.’” - Lifeway


Most Pastors Are Healthy, and That’s Good for Churches


“The pastor study posed six exclusive questions and 11 questions modified from the Harvard wellness project. Of those shared across the two studies, the average pastor score was higher on all but one question.” - Lifeway


Mortality, Death, and the Illusion of Control


“Scientific discoveries and medical advancements are gifts of God. And yet… a common side effect has been an inflated sense of control. It’s not difficult to see why so many people remain convinced that death can be defeated with ever newer and more impressive technologies.” - Breakpoint


New study: alcohol consumption may contribute to 61 diseases


“ ‘Alcohol drinking adversely affects a wide range of diseases, more than what we previously knew,’ said lead author Dr. Pek Kei Im, an intermediate research fellow at Oxford Population Health” - Fox
