The Invasion

This is my 2020 Christmas Eve sermon. The video follows this text, below.

We don’t like intrusions into our world from outside. It makes us nervous. It makes us insecure. It makes us scared!

It’s why UFOs fascinate so many of us. Is it true? Could it be real? Is there actually life “out there?”

It’s why movies about Martians and aliens are so sinister. They always have better technology. They always want to hurt us, and they always scare us.


What the Name “Jesus” Reveals


Yeshua means Yahweh saves. That this unique child’s name would be Yahweh saves was understandable for Joseph. Of course, God’s people needed saving — from the Gentiles. From the Romans who ruled over them; from local puppets of Caesar, like Herod and Pilate… . Then the bombshell: ‘he will save his people from their sins.’” - Mathis via Veith


From the Archives – “Hope Is Here!”

While attending seminary, my wife and I rented a tiny apartment in the inner city. In three short years, we witnessed more crime and violence than one might see in a month of TV police shows. Within a block of our home, we saw street fights, guns, prostitution, drug activity, car thefts, stalking and more.


4 Distinctives of a Christian View of Race

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

As #BlackLivesMatter, White-Fragility, and White-Privilege become flash points in our society, and as entire organizations have grown up around the concept of “racial reconciliation” it is critical to remember that Christians should think differently than the world on the topic of race.


Counseling Children Who Have Professed Faith in Christ


“When doubts or questions arise, parents should take advantage of these teachable moments by unpacking the hope-giving truths of the gospel. Even if the child is genuinely a believer, it certainly won’t hurt them to hear the promises of the gospel afresh.” - Rooted Thinking


“Discovering Hope is an evangelistic resource designed to carefully unpack the truths of the gospel to a person with little or no Christian background.”


“This gospel study handbook blends Bible discovery study methods with lucid explanations so that readers can see and understand Biblical truth for themselves. Through a series of eight lessons, readers will learn the essential gospel truths about God the Creator, man the sinner, Jesus the Savior, and the need for repentance and faith.” - Micah Colbert


A Response to Scot McKnight and Matthew Bates


“Most of my remarks here will be directed toward Scot McKnight’s article, since it makes a more substantive argument, though I’ll mention Matthew Bates’s as well here and there. There are three main areas I’d like to address. First, has my view of the gospel shifted from ‘soterian’ to ‘a King Jesus Gospel?’” - Greg Gilbert


Gregg Gilbert on what is and is not "The Gospel"


“Many of us would be helped in our preaching of the gospel by not just preaching the simple (though true) propositions of substitutionary atonement and justification by faith alone, but by re-embracing the epic of the Bible, placing those things in their proper place in the grand storyline. … But …” - 9 Marks
