How the Gospel Shapes Our Liturgy


“more important than the shape of our meeting space is the shape of our meeting. What are its parts, and how do they flow from one to another? Those are the questions we will consider in this post.” - 9 Marks


The Gospel Still Can’t Be Stopped


“The book of Acts concludes with Paul under house arrest in Rome, waiting for his trial. Luke, the author of Acts, wanted the reader to see through Paul’s imprisonment and chains. He ends the book with the word ‘unhindered.’” - TGC


The Missing Gospel at Funeral Services


“He briefly mentioned Jesus, faith, and baptism but never explained why Jesus was so important. He missed a tremendous opportunity to give the gospel to over 400 people.” - P&D


Evangelistic Expository Preaching


“Much has been written on evangelistic preaching. And much has been written on expositional preaching. Often, though, we tend to think of the two as mutually exclusive, rather than as normally inseparable.” - Mark Dever


Jesus: Good News of Great Happiness


“If the gospel we preach isn’t about happiness, then it contradicts God’s words in Isaiah 52:7. The gospel offers an exchange of misery-generating sin for happiness-giving righteousness provided by Jesus Himself.” - Randy Alcorn


On Perverting the Gospel

Read the rest of the series on the Book of Galatians. This article covers Galatians 1:1-9.

It’s frustrating to be misrepresented, especially if the stakes are high. There’s an urge to set the record straight, to protect folks who are being confused by the lies. It’s even more frustrating if text messages, phone calls, or video calls aren’t an option. That’s what’s happening with Paul, and this frustration produces perhaps the most sharply worded letter in the New Testament.


By Water and Blood

Delivered by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, on Lord’s-Day Evening, February 7, 1864. (Sermon 3252)

“This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ-not by water only, but by water and blood.” (1 John 5:6)


My Journey Out of Mormonism


“I reveled in the stories and worked hard to be a ‘worthy priesthood holder’ (as a young deacon) throughout my teenage years. But that project began to crumble as I spent more time on the internet.” - TGC


How to Become a Hypocrite

So you want to be a hypocrite … If you believe the gospel, you’re at a disadvantage. You may not ever achieve the elite-level hypocrisy we find in Matthew 23, which probably requires a Pharisee-like depth of unbelief. But don’t be discouraged. Even believers can achieve several forms of high-quality hypocrisy.

Since all humans lapse into hypocrisy from time to time without even trying, I’m confident that, with just a little work, even you can achieve a noticeable level of expertise.

Here’s how.


Jesus Will Return to Put the World Right


“Humanity continues to strive for utopia, but original sin makes it impossible to achieve. Just like no one can get eggs out of a cake that has been baked, no one can get the sin out of us and the world; no one, that is, except Jesus.” - Colin Smith
