A Time to Be Silent: When to Refrain from Sharing the Gospel

One of the marks of a Christian is a desire to share the good news of the life-transforming gospel with others. In the words of the apostles, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). But what if a friend, fellow worker, schoolmate, or family member asks us to desist? Does there come a time when we should refrain from speaking to a person about Jesus and Christianity?


Our Answer to “Imagine”


“So how should a Christian respond to these ‘imaginings?’ What would you say if someone played that at a funeral, right before you were supposed to speak?” - P&D


How to Belong to Jesus

This is a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. Read Part 1.

If the only comfort we have in this life is that we belong—both body and soul, in life and death—to our most faithful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Q1), then …

Question 2: What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort?


“Every home is dysfunctional because everyone is sinful.”


“When we consider the state of the family at the beginning of the twenty-first century, our tendency is to reflect nostalgically on imagined idyllic days of generations past when families weren’t perfect but pretty close to it, or so we like to think.” - Ligonier


Blessing and Cursing


“the concept of blessing lies at the very heart of the gospel. The Apostle Paul highlights this in his letter to the Christian believers in Galatia…. ‘In you shall all the nations be blessed’ (Gal. 3:8).” - Ligonier


It Is Not a Complimentary Gospel


“the true gospel is not complimentary. It is not admiring or flattering. Rather, it describes humanity in all our sinfulness and depravity, all our hopelessness and lostness.” - Challies


Before You Become Eastern Orthodox...


“the concern is, in this theology is the Eastern Orthodox Church the Savior rather than Jesus, and therefore is there a danger of an idolatry of the church?” - YouTube


Andy Stanley: “You Only Have to Believe Two Miracles to Be a Christian”


“Andy Stanley is in the headlines once again…. He began a new series with the question, ‘Do you have to believe in miracles to be a Christian?’ His answer? Yes, but only two foundational miracles—’the miracle of the universe’ and ‘the miracle of the resurrection.’” - AiG


How the Gospel Shapes Our Liturgy


“more important than the shape of our meeting space is the shape of our meeting. What are its parts, and how do they flow from one to another? Those are the questions we will consider in this post.” - 9 Marks
