Pillsbury Baptist Bible College

In The Nick of TimeThey say that any publicity is good publicity, but that may not be true. Pillsbury Baptist Bible College has recently received some rather unwelcome attention. First, a prominent pastor in Indiana has publicly narrated a pejorative but largely fictitious account of his expulsion from Pillsbury during the 1970s. Then a blogger from back East published a negative report complaining that the campus coffee shop wasn’t open at night and he was bored while visiting the college.


Dave Doran: My Reflections after the Alphabet Soup

Once the articles and cartoons stopped, I thought the conversation would also stop. I guess I thought wrong. Clearly, I have at least two options. I could just ignore the discussion and get on with life and ministry. That’s a very attractive option. Or, I could offer a different perspective on the interaction from this past week. It’s not hard to tell which option I chose. Let me explain why.Guest Editorial


Joel's Reflection after the ABC storm

I’ve always wondered what it must have been like for the survivors after a ferocious battle. There’s no way that any of us who live as civilians outside of harm’s way really know that. I think I got a small taste of that, however.


Three Lines in the Sand

Note: “Three Lines in the Sand, Part 4,” has been removed.
