Pillsbury Baptist Bible College
They say that any publicity is good publicity, but that may not be true. Pillsbury Baptist Bible College has recently received some rather unwelcome attention. First, a prominent pastor in Indiana has publicly narrated a pejorative but largely fictitious account of his expulsion from Pillsbury during the 1970s. Then a blogger from back East published a negative report complaining that the campus coffee shop wasn’t open at night and he was bored while visiting the college.
A Follow-Up to "Patch The Pirate Goes To Hammond"
L to R: Shelly Hamilton, Ron Hamilton, and Jack Schaap
"The last hundred years of Fundamentalist history has been marked by a complete breakdown in theology. We must acknowledge this, but without riding the pendulum all the way over to the other side."
"...(F)undamentalism is not the old-time religion. Fundamentalism is a very modern packaging."
"Life among the fundies"
Dave Doran: My Reflections after the Alphabet Soup
Once the articles and cartoons stopped, I thought the conversation would also stop. I guess I thought wrong. Clearly, I have at least two options. I could just ignore the discussion and get on with life and ministry. That’s a very attractive option. Or, I could offer a different perspective on the interaction from this past week. It’s not hard to tell which option I chose. Let me explain why.
Joel's Reflection after the ABC storm
I’ve always wondered what it must have been like for the survivors after a ferocious battle. There’s no way that any of us who live as civilians outside of harm’s way really know that. I think I got a small taste of that, however.
Three Lines in the Sand
Note: “Three Lines in the Sand, Part 4,” has been removed.