Has Fundamentalism Become Secularized? Part 1

Forty years ago, sociologists triumphantly crowed that in a very short time the last vestiges of religion would be found only in small pockets of disaffected people pining for the glory days of yore. Religious adherence in a society, so they thought, decreased in direct proportion to a society’s modernization. Secularization, the process whereby religion and its influences palsy.gifare gradually pushed to the margins of society, was a relentless force that could not be resisted.


Evangelism and National Hoops Ministries

Most conservative churches are struggling in the area of evangelism. The leaders will readily admit it. Most pastors are discouraged by the fact that we seem to be doing a pretty lousy job of spreading the Gospel message to the lost. I believe that conversion is God’s job, but evangelism is our job. And it seems we’re pretty anemic at doing our job.


Why Love? Part 1

I am by nature an angry person. Most people who know me well would deny that. In fact, my friend Jason Janz often tells people, “Brian’s a lover.” That statement is true now, but it is true only by the grace of God working in my life. Anger, incidentally, serves me well when it comes to the protection of the Gospel or to why_love1.jpgthe defense of those I love. I can harness that energy and express it under control, hopefully for the glory of God.


Clarification to Joel Tetreau's "Line in the Sand"

Singleton at deskI consider myself a good friend of Joel Tetreau’s. He’s only five years my junior, and we graduated from the same high school and college. In 1997, when I was the Associate Pastor of Tri-City Baptist Church, Joel and I spent many hours in private discussion concerning the church Dr.


Calvary Seminary—The SharperIron Interview | Part 2

harbin.jpgDr. Sam Harbin is the new president of Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary (Lansdale, PA). He was a pastor for a number of years before joining the faculty at Calvary. We sat down with him to hear his personal testimony and his vision for the seminary. Joining me on the interview were Joel Tetreau, Bob Bixby, Tom Pryde, and Greg Linscott.

Jason Janz


Film and Theater

A Response to Dr. Bauder on the Use of a Medium to Convey Truth

Note: This article was written in response to Fundamentalists and Theater: Act Three, Say What? by Dr. Kevin Bauder. It is not intended as a general response to all of Dr. Bauder’s theater articles to date.


Top 10 Fundamentalist Stories of 2006

opinion.gifNote: This is an opinion column. Views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily those of SI.
