Questions for evolving candidates
Body… - New York Times executive editor Bill Keller wants GOP presidential candidates to answer some of his gotcha questions concerning religion.
Perry Questioned on Evolution/Creationism in New Hampshire
Body… ]”The battle between supporters of creationism and evolution made its way onto the 2012 campaign trail Thursday as a young boy… asked Texas Gov. Rick Perry questions on the subject…”
Texas Bill Would Protect College Professors Who Question Evolution
“Luskin said there is a ‘widespread pattern of discrimination’ against intelligent design proponents, pointing to several cases in Texas.” Full story.
Univ. of Kentucky Settles with "Potentially Evangelical" Astronomer
“The university has agreed to pay $125,000 to Martin Gaskell in exchange for Gaskell dropping a federal religious discrimination suit… Gaskell was a top candidate, but some professors called him ‘something close to a creationist’ and ‘potentially evangelical’ in e-mails.” NPR
A Wonderful Creationist Heritage
It is so important that we focus on God’s perspective concerning ultimate origins. Human theories, hypotheses, speculations and opinions come and go. But the God “who cannot lie” (NKJV,* Tit. 1:2), who was there when the world began, has written a perfect book—the Bible—which He requires that we read and believe (Rom. 10:17).
Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Believe in Creation
Specifically, “that God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago.”… “Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans who believe humans evolved over millions of years, without God’s involvement, has crept up from 14 percent in 2008 to 16 percent in 2010” More at CP