Much Ado About Something: A New Christian Fundamentalism for 2022

A new fundamentalism has arrived on the scene in the evangelical world. It’s kinda like legacy fundamentalism, but also kinda not. In this video essay, I review components of generic, faithful Christianity, define and give examples of second-stage legacy Baptist fundamentalism, then make some observations of and connections to the 2022 evangelical scene to decribe this “new fundamentalism.”


The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism


“American evangelicalism is deeply divided. Some evangelicals have embraced the secular turn toward social justice activism…Old alliances are dissolving.” - First Things


BreakPoint: The Evangelical Fracture


“Recently in the Atlantic, Peter Wehner argued that the evangelical church is breaking apart…. Additionally, in June, Mere Orthodoxy columnist Michael Graham suggested that evangelicalism in America is undergoing a ‘Six-way fracturing.’” - Breakpoint


“We have to talk about how to face new challenges.”


“Sometimes we just need to wrangle through new issues to come up with some sort of common clarity. Fundamentalists of a century ago …. We now have to work through and clarify such things as marriage definitions, transgenderism, social media, and even the biblical data on race.” - Kevin Schaal
