Churchless evangelicals are a bad trend for Christians and for America


“Too many see their religious beliefs as an application of their cultural or political values. They identify as a Republican or as conservative with a set of principles and lifestyles attending that alignment. They then see ‘evangelical’ as another way to describe the same set of values” - W.Examiner


PRRI: The Future of “Born-Again Evangelicalism” Is Charismatic and Pentecostal


“To identify charismatics, we asked respondents whether they attended religious services where people engage in signature practices and beliefs of Pentecostal and charismatic movements: speaking in tongues, receiving direct revelation from God, divine healing, or receiving a definite answer to a prayer.” - PRRI


“Two Corinthians” – Religious Populism in the West


“Tobias Cremer’s The Godless Crusade: Religion, Populism, and Right-Wing Identity Politics in the West, which evaluates this question on four interrelated arguments using Germany, France, and the United States as case studies.” - Providence


What’s 5% of John MacArthur worth?


“I can’t speak for Steve Lawson, but it seems to me that he was speaking of Evangelical leaders who contrast John MacArthur’s courageous ministry with cowardly ministries.” - CPost


The Cult of Celebrity in the Church of Christ


“That model of influence has a deep history in American culture…and understanding its impact on evangelicalism is the subject of Katelyn Beaty’s new book, Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits Are Hurting the Church.” - Acton
