Can a vote for Trump be morally justified?


“In the end, though, it may all come down to this: a vote for Trump is, more than anything, a vote against Harris. So, we can vote for Trump without being enamored by him, without being his defenders or apologists, and without being unrealistic in our expectations.” - Michael Brown


The American People Should Demand Better


“As we move toward the general election, the pressure from partisan cheerleaders to line up behind one of these two unfit men will only grow louder…. Look where the ‘lesser-of-two-evils’ mindset and the ‘traditional GOP way’ have gotten us: a contest between the most unpopular presidential nominees in the history of polling.” - The Dispatch


But Is It Worth It? A Question To Christian Trumpists


“I know some Christian Trumpists who will simply say that, in spite of Trump’s character flaws, they will support him because the alternative is always worse. My question to Christian Trumpists is: But is it worth it?” - Roger Olson


Crowning Trump king


“No matter what is revealed about Donald Trump’s character and attitude toward women, large numbers in the evangelical community seem to have no king but him.” - Cal Thomas


The Ethical Dilemma of Abortion and Voting for Donald Trump


“For the one tribe, failing to vote for Biden, especially since I live in Florida, is seen as me helping ensure four more years of Donald Trump. The other? Well, in their minds, refusing to vote for Trump demonstrates my lack of commitment to important social issues, specifically religious liberty and abortion.” - J. Ellis
