Phil Robertson on Offer to Baptize Trump: Left-Wingers Will Go Crazy, Evangelicals Will Swarm You
“Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson expressed to hundreds gathered for the annual Values Voter Summit Friday his passionate distaste for secular humanism and his enthusiastic support for Donald Trump for president.” CPost
Jerry Falwell Jr.: Trump is the Churchillian leader we need
Jerry Falwell Jr.: Trump is the Churchillian leader we need
“Thank God we now have the opportunity to elect a strong leader, one who is not afraid to call the enemy by its name and to take the battle to that enemy if necessary”
"A lot of conservatives and Republicans owe Bill Clinton an apology."
“Every single person who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton because ‘character matters’ … and is now supporting Donald Trump in spite of his despicable, ungodly, immoral and amoral character, owes the former president and likely future first husband an apology.” NONE of the Above: An Examination of Our Election Options