Is the New Right Just the Old Left?


“A collection of essays by New Right thinkers has a lot to say about what is wrong with the ‘establishment Right’….their solutions ironically reflect a neglect of constitutional order that got us in our current state to begin with.” - Acton


Is the New Right Fascist?


“Starting with the emergence of the ‘Alt-Right’ during the 2010s, a different group of political right-wing ideologues have surfaced to defend very different principles from those of traditional American conservatism.” - Acton


Why We Shouldn’t Ban the Teaching of Bad Ideas


“Tennessee lawmakers have introduced a list of ‘divisive concepts,’ which, under a law passed last year, are prohibited from being taught on college campuses. …Especially at the college level, we need more discussion and serious debate of ideas, not less.” - Breakpoint


Identity politics on the right


“The views Achord and his Twitter cronies expressed were vile; their impotent online posturing unintentionally comedic. And then there was the personal abuse to which Alastair Roberts, the man who exposed the situation, was subjected by professing Christians” - Carl Trueman
