“Some evangelicals are endorsing political violence. It needs to stop.”
“This is not an isolated incident from one sad, angry, and ‘extremely online’ guy. It reflects an increasing trend among some Christians.” - Russel Moore
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“This is not an isolated incident from one sad, angry, and ‘extremely online’ guy. It reflects an increasing trend among some Christians.” - Russel Moore
“Interviews with more than a dozen current and former employees reveal how the think tank sidelines its scholars to score political points.” - The Dispatch
“Edmund Burke was someone who believed that ‘he had a duty to the present and a duty to the future … a duty to liberty in policy and a duty to stability in polity.’ A modern American conservative movement that embodied these axioms would surely be one less wracked by the internecine conflicts that bedevil it today.” - Acton
“Running to represent a district of Arizona …the main issues Davison is addressing with his campaign are education, free speech on the internet and social media, and election integrity.” - C.Leaders
Boebert “also addressed cancel culture, saying it ‘has been here since the very beginning. Cain canceled Abel. And guess what, it wasn’t with a big, scary AR-15, it was with a rock. So I don’t think it’s a firearm issue, I think it’s a heart, a sin issue.’” - Relevant
“The Great Replacement theory is the latest version of a century-old white genocide conspiracy theory. At the root of the theory is the claim that ‘elites’—especially Jews—are deliberately plotting to reduce or eliminate white people in the United States and Europe.” - TGC
“Regarding French’s point that Christians are to love our enemies at all times, Dreher agrees that we are, but says, ‘Loving one’s enemies does not mean that one should close one’s eyes to the fact that they are enemies, and wish to do us serious harm.’ And while it is true, Dreher says, that politics should not shape our faith, we must not be afraid to take a political stand.” - C.Leaders
Fact Checking Claims on Vaccines, Election 2020, and January 6 From CPAC: Friday’s speakers made statements that have been repeatedly debunked. - The Dispatch
“At the same time that the evidence of far-left intolerance is overwhelming, a few of us have been on a very lonely corner of conservatism, jumping up and down and yelling about the new right, ‘Censorship is coming! Censorship is coming!’ And we were correct.” - David French
“The Gateway Pundit … published an article with the following headline: ‘Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes.’ This is a false statement.” - The Dispatch