What is the “Greatest Threat to the Gospel”?


“What this ‘greatest threat’ trope ignores is the clear teaching of Jesus that He will build His church and not even the gates of hell will prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-19). The gospel is never threatened because it is the Savior who ensures His kingdom will advance.” - LifeWay


Exile in the ‘Seven Mountains’: beyond a politics of domination


“As Evan Koons explains in the film, ‘Simply put, we are being called by God to spend the remainder of our days serving our captors, working with them (not fighting them or conforming to them or fleeing from them – but serving them) and compromising nothing.’” - Acton


Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Preach the Gospel to Change Culture


“The Gospel precedes politics, social change, and all else. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16), and all else follows from it. This does not, however, mean a pietistic retreat from society. Just the opposite.” - W. Graham


New Poll: Most Americans Support Abortion Restrictions


“According to a new Marist poll out today, more than three-quarters of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, including a majority of Americans who describe themselves as pro-choice.” - N.Review


Contra Rod Dreher, Not All Signs Point to a Woke Dictatorship in America


“At its best, the book forces an increasingly frayed and polarized Christian church to answer for its moral and political apathy. Yet Dreher’s work is missing something: a self-awareness, a careful sobriety, a consciousness that even those on the good side can unwittingly become the thing they seek to destroy.” - C.Today


Future Now: Leading with Humility


“Christians should be engaged [in other social issues] just like we’ve been in the pro-life movement, but we need to know more. We need a posture of learning and humility, perhaps in a way we never had in our lifetimes.” - Stetzer


How Liberal Arts Colleges Could Save Civilization


“The same love of darkness which will tear down statues, regardless of who they depict, will sacrifice the liberal arts core of education in the name of relevance. The culture wars are not really about right versus left; they are about memory versus oblivion.” - TAC


George Barna offers roadmap to help more Americans embrace a biblical worldview


“After highlighting that only 6% of U.S. adults possess a biblical worldview, George Barna, director of research at Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, concluded that ‘the only viable way to transform America is by restoring its collective worldview to reflect biblical principles.’” - CPost


Winning the Abortion Debate in America


“Abortion will not end in this country by simply overturning Roe, as necessary as that is. Abortion will only end when a strong majority comes to see abortion as unconscionable because they understand that the baby in the womb is a real live human being.” - SBC Voices
