Are You in the Wrong War?


“…to hear some Christians talk, we’re apparently in a war with others, culturally and politically. I’ve been told things like, ‘We’re in a battle for the soul of America’ and ‘If we don’t win against the Liberals we won’t be able to preach the Gospel.’” - P&D


The Church's Lane is the Whole Cosmos


“The Roman world needed Christians to take in abandoned children and oppose the gladiatorial games, precisely because the pressure was enormous to do exactly the opposite. When we engage with culturally acceptable causes but ‘stay in our lane’ on unpopular ones, we fail the tests of courage and integrity.” - Breakpoint


How to Inhabit an Unraveling Culture


“How, then, do we make peace? By taking up the weapons made for the war we’re in. Against them our true enemy cannot stand. When tempted to outrage, armored Christians move toward one another in shoes of peace.” - TGC


Why Churches Go Woke: They Deny the Sufficiency of Scripture


“However, it is increasingly rare to find in the aforementioned issues of race-relations, LGTBQ+ narratives of identity, gender roles, etc., that the various systems of thought in place are under the domain of darkness. What I mean by that is the simple truth the apostle John expresses so clearly when he speaks to a present love of this world being incompatible with genuine faith (1 Jn.


What is the “Greatest Threat to the Gospel”?


“What this ‘greatest threat’ trope ignores is the clear teaching of Jesus that He will build His church and not even the gates of hell will prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-19). The gospel is never threatened because it is the Savior who ensures His kingdom will advance.” - LifeWay


Exile in the ‘Seven Mountains’: beyond a politics of domination


“As Evan Koons explains in the film, ‘Simply put, we are being called by God to spend the remainder of our days serving our captors, working with them (not fighting them or conforming to them or fleeing from them – but serving them) and compromising nothing.’” - Acton


Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Preach the Gospel to Change Culture


“The Gospel precedes politics, social change, and all else. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16), and all else follows from it. This does not, however, mean a pietistic retreat from society. Just the opposite.” - W. Graham


New Poll: Most Americans Support Abortion Restrictions


“According to a new Marist poll out today, more than three-quarters of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, including a majority of Americans who describe themselves as pro-choice.” - N.Review
