Dignify the Work of Membership


“you can inadvertently create a vibe that suggests the work of membership is somehow ‘less than’ the work of elders. That’s a tragedy.” - 9 Marks


7 Ministry Tensions: A Conversation About Pastoral Leadership


“Ministry success [is]… about the tension between competing goods. Each good is vital. Each demands attention. And each represents a genuine biblical mandate. These aren’t problems to be solved but tensions to be managed in ministry.” - Lifeway


Is the Church Suffering an Identity Crisis?


“To many the church appears as a cult, an archaic institution clinging to outdated beliefs. Others see the church as a place of judgment, intolerance, and hypocrisy. This perception isn’t entirely unwarranted…. But it also stems from a misunderstanding of what the church is supposed to be.” - Brian Cederquist


40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years of Ministry


“It was forty years ago that I began serving a small rural church in southern Indiana. I was so incredibly green then; I’m glad I didn’t always realize it. I loved those people in that church, and for some reason, they loved me, too.” - Thom Rainer


Deep and Wide: Why Churches Need to Be Both


“Depth in this context means that the church is rooted in the truth of Scripture, not swayed by the latest trends or popular opinions…. While depth is critical, a church that is only deep but not wide may fail to engage with the world around it.” - Brian Cederquist


The Benefits of Following Jesus Always Far Outweigh the Costs


“Those who have been cast out of their biological families for following Christ now have God’s family to welcome them. Even if they don’t own their own houses, they have hundreds of houses to stay in, where they’ll be warmly welcomed. Jesus promises not only eternal happiness but a hundred times more happiness here and now.” - Randy Alcorn


Limited in Strength? Learn from the Angels

The elderly prophet Daniel confessed to the angel before him that he was utterly spent. He had no strength to receive the vision the angel came to give him in answer to his prayers. He was in pain, overwhelmed, maybe very troubled in his spirit. And he was strengthened. We read of this account in Daniel 10:15-19.


Why I Believe in Church Membership


“Church membership makes sense of a Christian’s obligation to other Christians…. Church membership makes sense of a Christian’s obligation to his spiritual leaders…. Church membership makes sense of a pastor’s obligation to his church.” - Challies
