Changing Our Minds about Missionary Training

BibleDissatisfaction with current missionary training has led to radical proposals. Ferris, following Frame, proposes that “we dump the academic model once and for all—degrees, accreditation, tenure, the works” (Ferris 1990, 16).


When God Calls Your Children, Let Them Come

New FriendsI talked to God recently and told Him that I am weary of the challenges that church-planting presents. I reminded Him of what we have been through in the past year with relocating, raising support, gathering a core group, and trying to lead people when you have more questions than answers. So in case He forgot, I rehearsed the details. I’m not sure you are supposed to do that, but I did. I wanted relief. I wanted rest. I wanted calm.


Missions Mandate Interview

Missions MandateIn August a new fundamental Baptist missions effort launched on the Web: Missions Mandate. To introduce this ministry to the SI readership (and because I was curious), I interviewed director Tim Aynes about MM’s history and the reason for being as well as missions matters in general.


The Superiority of Jesus Christ

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted with permission from Warren Vanhetloo’s newsletter “Cogitation.”


Preparing Missionaries for Cross-Cultural Church Planting

booksThe issue of adequate preparation for missionary candidates is not new. Years ago J. Herbert Kane lamented the practice of sending unqualified individuals to engage in cross-cultural ministry:
