Ways to Minister to Your Minister

Assembled with the realization that most pastors are overworked and underappreciated


Eternal Rewards

Editor’s Note: This article was original published on December 11, 2006.


Creation “Days” in Genesis

Twenty-Four Hours or Not?

SpaceRaising the question of the “days” in Genesis 1 might seem unthinkable for many believers. Yet we cannot ignore the fact that “the doctrine of creation has proved vulnerable because it works in territory where the rights of Christian theology to operate have been subject to sustained challenge, first by natural philosophy and more recently by natural science” (McGrath 1993, 95).


Should We Abandon Politics?

Head in the SandIf recent polls may be believed, most Americans now see their country as seriously troubled. For conservatives the times are especially disturbing. We are deeply opposed to the political philosophy now in power but are also alarmed at the resulting economic policies. We believe the solutions now in progress will be more damaging than the problems they are supposed to solve.


Observations Regarding Baptism

vanhetloo_baptism.jpgGod leaves much unreported, not to encourage our speculation, but probably to suggest to us that some things are not terribly important. John the Immerser introduced a new form by which to honor God and along with it an emphasis on its spiritual significance as portraying a personal determination to die unto former fleshly patterns and to begin displaying those patterns of proper conduct expected of God.


Why Most Churches Don’t Plant Churches

734161_church_pews.jpgIn a previous article I highlighted some of the reasons why many missionaries do not plant churches once they are on the field.


Faith Travelers

by Pastor Dan Miller

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted with permission from Dan Miller’s book Spiritual Reflections.
