Biblical Authority in Matters of Faith and Practice, Part 2
Read Part 1.
Note: Reprinted from Worship in Song by Scott Aniol, published by BMH Books, Winona Lake, Indiana, Used by permission.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Read Part 1.
Note: Reprinted from Worship in Song by Scott Aniol, published by BMH Books, Winona Lake, Indiana, Used by permission.
Note: Reprinted from Worship in Song by Scott Aniol, published by BMH Books, Winona Lake, Indiana, Used by permission.
Read Part 1.
Girl meets boy. Boy becomes obsessed with girl. Girl returns the favor. Boy turns out to be a vampire. Girl doesn’t mind as long as she can be with boy every moment of her life. This is a stereotypical, adolescent relationship (with the exception of the Dracula factor)! In Stephanie Meyer’s fast-paced Twilight series, obsessive love is the name of the game.
by Pastor Dan Miller
Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted with permission from Dan Miller’s book Spiritual Reflections.
Assembled with the realization that most pastors are overworked and underappreciated
Editor’s Note: This article was original published on December 11, 2006.
Raising the question of the “days” in Genesis 1 might seem unthinkable for many believers. Yet we cannot ignore the fact that “the doctrine of creation has proved vulnerable because it works in territory where the rights of Christian theology to operate have been subject to sustained challenge, first by natural philosophy and more recently by natural science” (McGrath 1993, 95).
If recent polls may be believed, most Americans now see their country as seriously troubled. For conservatives the times are especially disturbing. We are deeply opposed to the political philosophy now in power but are also alarmed at the resulting economic policies. We believe the solutions now in progress will be more damaging than the problems they are supposed to solve.
by Pastor Dan Miller
Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted with permission from Dan Miller’s book Spiritual Reflections.