Are You Experiencing Bible Poverty?


“there are two kinds of Bible poverty in the world: first, the poverty of those who don’t have God’s Word in their own language; and second, the poverty of being surrounded by Bibles, but not reading them.” - Randy Alcorn


3 Quotes on Confession that Have Challenged Me


“I’m also realizing that I too often take confession lightly. Maybe one of these quotes I’ve recently encountered will help you think about this important step in our Christian walk.” - Chuck Lawless


A Few Thoughts on Reading

In his classic work, How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler writes, “In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you.” In order for good books “to get through to you,” consider some of the following…


Criticism Can Be a Blessing


“I still wish the editor might have found something positive to say. But ultimately, I was thankful for the correction because it led to a vast improvement in my writing and a new watchfulness.” - P&D


When You Are Done but God Is Not

Your oldest child heads off to college. A friend you led to Christ and have been discipling moves over 1,000 miles away. Your work contract ends and those you have seen and witnessed to daily for years fade from your life. Our time on earth often passes in cycles—family cycles, ministry cycles, and work cycles. We go from one phase to the next. What has been will be no more. What will be in the next phase is often unknown. Solomon wrote of these changes: “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).


Thinking About Revival (2): A Test Case


“The Bible does teach the need for God’s gracious intervention to change the spiritual apathy in His people: sometimes individually, and sometimes corporately.” - P&D


How God Awakens the Conscience


“How can a person who has betrayed trust, lied, broken promises, and deceived even their own loved ones come to share in the blessing of God? Hope begins for these brothers… when God awakens the conscience” - Colin Smith


On Reading Widely: Are You Stuck on One Shelf?


“Root your thinking in the Word of God first, but be informed about the world around you. Resist being spoon fed by others. Do your own reading and research to form your own opinions. Read from original sources.” - P&D
