Most translated film in history releases 2,000th language


“Though a Zo translation of the Bible was completed in 2019, it hasn’t been printed in Myanmar yet, and many of the Zo are unable to read. This translation of JESUS provides a way for Zo speakers to have access to the story of Jesus in their language in a format they can understand.” - RNS


'God's Not Dead 2' earnings fall short


“The sequel ‘God’s Not Dead 2’ opened much weaker than its 2014 predecessor, trailing the top grossing ‘God’s Not Dead’ in per screen earnings by 72 percent, according to Box Office Mojo statistics.” BPNews


Christian Movies - Ministry or Menace? (Part 2)

After reading part one of this two-part series, and seeing all the good things accomplished by Christian films, one might wonder if anything could or should be wrong with them or if any negative aspects could or should overshadow the positive ones.
