China asserts more control over clergy through new rules


“Regulations issued this year by China have intensified the communist government’s control of clergy among the five state-authorized religious groups and have effectively prohibited the work of pastors and leaders of unregistered churches and other entities, according to a new report.” - BPNews


Christians in Hong Kong, under the Thumb of the Chinese Communist Party


“The national-security law in Hong Kong now prohibits secession, sedition, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces. Those terms are so broadly defined that they can be used arbitrarily to prohibit any form of dissent. What worries religious minorities, and Catholics and other Christians in particular, are the law’s collusion and subversion and clauses.” - N.Review


Things are getting (even) worse for religious believers in China


“Its Religious Affairs Office has announced that not only must all religious organizations get state approval for any activity they undertake. They are also expected to ‘spread the principles and policies of the Chinese Communist Party.’” - Acton
