“For many in contemporary American life, no matter their politics or religion, ‘kindness’ is equated with weakness.”


“In his letter to his protégé Timothy, the apostle Paul declared: ‘Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness’ (2 Timothy 2:23-24).” - Russell Moore


Cultivating Christlike Virtue in a Virtue-Signaling Age


“Jesus teaches us not only what is right and true, but also how to display the beauty of the truth in our words, posture, and deeds. He models how to live righteously and love compassionately alongside how to think deeply.” - Dustin Crowe


True in 98, True Now: Resolution on Moral Character of Public Officials

Resolution on Moral Character of Public Officials

Salt Lake City, Utah – 1998

WHEREAS, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34 NAS); and

WHEREAS, Serious allegations continue to be made about moral and legal misconduct by certain public officials; and


AG Barr on the idea that government social programs can replace the virtues instilled by religion


“What Barr describes is a long-term shift from an understanding that a robust civil society, including religious institutions, could promote healthy norms such as sobriety and self-discipline to a belief that government could be relied upon for rehabilitation, the term emphasized by the Kennedy administration when it first authorized federal grants for social services.” - National Review


A Few Good Men


“But in fact there are people whom God has deemed to call good because His salvation has made them good. His Word records a number of examples…” - GARBC


12 Things Parents of Mentally Strong Children Don’t Do


“As a father of three little kids, I understand the instinct to want to shield children from the harsh realities of life. It’s not easy telling your little girl to wipe away the tears and get back on. But it is important to do so.


Character Is Destiny


“I have been predicting that the Trump presidency will end poorly because character is destiny.” - National Review


C.S. Lewis on the necessity of chivalry


“This video illustrates the essay Lewis published in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, and three days before Churchill’s famous “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” speech” - Acton


Presidential Character and Competence: A Presidents’ Day Reflection


“The Old Testament is replete with examples of how Israel prospered under kings with godly character and foundered under those with a despicable character. In Plato’s “Republic” character is the most important qualification of rulers.
