Criminal or Not, Trump’s Case Is a Moral Test for Christians


“I have no idea if or when we will see something no generation of Americans has ever witnessed: a mug shot of a former president of the United States. What I do know is that the entire country is waiting with a sense of unease about just that possibility and about what happens next.” - Russell Moore


The Manly Virtue of Magnanimity


“I don’t mean that magnanimity is unique to men or that women are not also called to this trait. After all, Witherspoon calls it a Christian virtue. But I do think magnanimity is a virtue particularly befitting to manhood, and that manhood bereft of magnanimity is especially lamentable.” - DeYoung


What Does Paul Mean By “Quarrelsome”?


“Paul instructs Timothy, ‘And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil’ (2 Timothy 2:24; cf 1 Tim 3:3). Let’s focus briefly on the requirement to ‘not be quarrelsome.’” - 9 Marks


Nothing Like a Millionaire: For What Are You Known?

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

William Borden was famous.1 His parents were millionaires. They were prominent members of the Moody Church in Chicago. The newspapers of the early 1900s reported on young Borden’s activities. Every door of opportunity swung open for this privileged youth.


Beauty Can Teach Us the Art of Living Well


“[T]oday a belief even in the possibility that there are things we can identify as good falls prey to cynicism. Culture reflects this. Across the dizzying variety of digital entertainment media, one constant holds: we live in the era of the ‘complex’ protagonist, characters whose stories lean toward a kind of benevolent moral ambiguity at best.


Leadership Lessons from Daniel

Of all the great characters found on the pages of Holy Scripture, none—outside, of course, of our Lord Jesus Christ—serves as a greater example to us than the prophet Daniel.

Transported to Babylon in the first wave of the captivity of Judah in 605 B.C., Daniel’s life was upended at an early age. This could have been an excuse for him to abandon any ties to his people and his God. He was taken to a strange land, given a new name and offered all the worldly comforts available in the king’s court (Dan. 1:7-10).


“Humbly is the way we should walk.”


“There are two kinds of walking, of going on a journey. The first kind is typified by an elevator ride…. the experience is all about getting where you’re going. It’s not about the journey. But there’s another kind of journey. It’s best typified by lovers going for a walk….Nobody cares where we’re going; we’re just going for a walk.” - Dan Olinger
