Subjectivism and Cessationism


“cessationists and these kinds of (alleged) continuationists do not distinguish clearly enough between the subjective (inward) work of the Spirit and the revelatory and prophetic work of the Spirit.” - Churches Without Chests


Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term? A Response to Scott Aniol, G3, Etc.


“although we could quibble over whether we agree with the divines on this issue, or whether we agree with Poythress’ understanding of how it all works, it is clear that the ‘circumstantial’ usage of revelation was a recognized fact in the 17th century Reformed world. There was a type of ‘two-tier’ revelation going on.” - Ref21


Too many misunderstand Cessationism


“One thing that must be firmly established is the fact that cessationists believe that God can perform miracles at any time or place in human history. Our God is sovereign and he always does what he pleases.” - Josh Buice


Cessationist: The Documentary Film


“I will consider Cessationist through two lenses: whether it offers a valid defense of its position and whether it offers a fair critique of the alternative.” - Challies


NT Prophecy and Tongues Today? An Introduction

This article (part 1 in the series) posted at Sharper Iron in 2018. It is reposted here with original comments included.

Perhaps one of the most debated topics among modern Christians is the subject of New Testament (NT) prophecy and tongues. Many believers in our day are raising the question, “Are the New Testament gifts of prophecy and tongues still for today?” This isn’t just a modern question. It’s been raised from time to time throughout the history of the church.
