How can pro-life Christians also support capital punishment?


“For nearly two millennia now, this passage [Rom 13:4] has been seen by most Christian faith traditions both as authorizing governmental authority and authorizing their right to use lethal force to punish evil doers, domestically through the criminal justice system and internationally through the military in “just war” conflicts with other nations.” - Richard Land


Virginia and the lie at the heart of the pro-choice movement


“Yesterday Virginia’s senate narrowly repealed laws regulating abortion in the state. While only affecting Virginia, their action has nation-wide implications because it exposes the lie at the heart of the pro-choice movement—namely that being pro-choice is about being pro-woman.” - Jesse Johnson


Helping the vulnerable at risk for assisted suicide


“It is nothing short of diabolical that we would respond to such vulnerable people by making it easier for them to kill themselves. Pope Francis sees this as part of our ‘throwaway culture’ — a slouch toward discarding those whose inherent dignity is inconvenient to acknowledge and accommodate, much less embrace.” - RNS


Manhattan Declaration – more necessary than ever?


“Early, the document acknowledges the signatories as “Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians.” The disparities of belief among these groups display a wide divergence on crucial doctrines, but nonetheless the signatories willingly joined hands in identifying themselves as Christians.” - Don Johnson
