4 of the Most Misquoted Bible Verses


“I Can Do All Things…This short Bible verse is often quoted by sports teams, bumper stickers and tag lines as a rally cry to accomplish great things like running a marathon, climbing a mountain, winning the championship, finishing the remodel on the kitchen” - C.Leaders


New Release: The Old in the New by Michael J. Vlach

I am excited to announce the release of my new book, The Old in the New: Understanding How the New Testament Authors Quoted the Old Testament. The book is published by Kress Biblical Resources with an imprint from The Master’s Seminary. I have been working on this book since 2011. It was formed through years of teaching a Th.M. seminar at The Master’s Seminary called, “New Testament Use of the Old Testament.”


“57% of Protestant churchgoers say they find it challenging to make sense of the Bible when they read it on their own”


90% “agree they can usually understand how a passage of Scripture is relevant to them. Only 7% disagree. Four in 5 express confidence in their ability to help others with doubts about the truthfulness of Scripture (81%), difficulty accepting morals taught in the Bible (82%), and confusion over a Bible passage (81%).” - F&T


Axioms for Bible Interpretation

How can Christians tell which interpretation is valid? Different people read the same text, and have different ideas about what it means. Why? Don’t we all have the same Lord, the same faith, the same baptism of the Spirit, and the same God and Father? Why don’t we agree on what the Bible teaches?
