God, Government, and the Christian


“Christians often have questions about God and his connection to government…. especially arise when we get a government that appears to be at odds with Christian convictions. Let’s briefly explore this important topic.” - Reasons to Believe


Only Use Authority in the Fear of God


“Is all authority—by virtue of one person having power over another person—in its very nature, abusive? I ask these questions in a day when accounts of sad experiences with abusive pastors are all too common.” - Mark Dever


Trust Issues: Responding to our Cultural Authority Crisis


“Increasingly, however, skepticism has been replaced by cynicism and is expressed in an immediate distrust anytime anyone tells us anything to think or do. This is not healthy or sustainable, nor is it a biblical way of thinking about authority.” - Breakpoint


On Civil Disobedience


“I would suggest that we can’t disobey a law or mandate just because we disagree with it, or it won’t work, or it’s stupid, or it’s an abuse of authority, or it’s applied selectively, or even because it’s unconstitutional.” - Dan Olinger


Can We “Honor” the  COVID-19 Rule-Makers?

Everyone is annoyed at times by a stupid rule or a bad decision by a leader. But lately, conservative Christian responses to government rules look and sound about the same as non-Christian attitudes on the political right: they’re dominated by anger, harsh judgments of motives, mockery, and defiance.

Sanctimonious defiance is still really just defiance. If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still… etc., etc.


What Is a Christian’s Duty to Unjust Government?


“This guy, angry that Grace Community Church yielded to the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling banning church meetings in California [last] weekend, Tweets at me: “An unjust law need not be followed. I’m appalled at how many people who profess to believe Scripture echo that sentiment.” - Phil Johnson


Our Children Are Watching Our Stay-at-Home Response


“…if we rail against the government, communicate that we think these rules are stupid, thumb our nose at their spoken desire to protect us, and refuse to heed their orders or guidelines, then we are telling our children that we only listen to authorities whenever we agree. If we do this, we’re setting a horrible example.” - Mike Leake
