How to Convince an Atheist that God Exists


“I didn’t become an atheist because that’s what I wanted; I became an atheist because I believed it was the truth. So, standing on that sidewalk while trying not to think about my mom praying for me, I cursed a God I didn’t even believe existed.” - John Ellis


Atheism is declining, says report; what should Christians do?


“According to the [Center for the Study of Global Christianity] report, atheism reached its peak in 1970, with over 165 million atheists worldwide. Since then, atheism has been steadily decreasing, with 138 million today, a number that’s expected to drop to 129 million by 2050.” - Christian Post


When 'Christianity' Is pointless


“A pacifist wouldn’t make a good general. And an atheist shouldn’t be a pastor. At least, that’s what you would think…. The leadership of the United Church of Canada has settled a years-long controversy by voting to allow Reverend Gretta Vosper, a self-proclaimed atheist, to keep her post as lead minister at West Hill United Church in Toronto.” - CPost
