Helping the vulnerable at risk for assisted suicide


“It is nothing short of diabolical that we would respond to such vulnerable people by making it easier for them to kill themselves. Pope Francis sees this as part of our ‘throwaway culture’ — a slouch toward discarding those whose inherent dignity is inconvenient to acknowledge and accommodate, much less embrace.” - RNS


Assisted-Suicide Leader Says Eliminate Waiting Periods


“…they promise that protective guidelines will protect against abuse to ensure that only those with no other way to alleviate suffering but to take poison pills receive them — and then, only after a careful process…Here’s the problem. Those promises are not meant to be, you know, permanent.” - National Review


Maine effectively legalizes assisted suicide


“Maine will join seven other states and the District of Columbia in allowing medical aid in dying. The legislation says mentally competent patients over age 18 with terminal diseases that, ‘within reasonable medical judgment, produce death within 6 months’ can request life-ending medication.” - CNN
