Woodpeckers and Termites
From Voice, Mar/Apr 2014. Used by permission.
Would you rather deal with woodpeckers or termites? The woodpecker’s color and noise demand your attention. You know he is there. But in contrast, by the time you notice termites, it’s already too late: your house is crumbling around you.
Yes, I would definitely rather have woodpeckers.
The Bible identifies some woodpeckers but gives them the name of “apostate.” This is an unbeliever who makes a lot of theological noise that is easily identified as false doctrine. You can’t miss him. You know he is there. But while the apostate can harm the church, the bigger threat is a heretic. Like a termite, he works within the church to bring division. He often goes unnoticed until it’s too late.
Before we go much further, we need to define those two biblical words. That is the key to understanding this issue.