“I have argued in numerous places … that the bombing of Hiroshima (and subsequently Nagasaki) was not only morally permissible, but, given the context of the times and the actually available options, morally obligatory.” - Marc LiVecche
Teen Marijuana Use: What Today’s Youth Leaders Need to Know
“A recent study from Oregon Health & Science University reveals that while alcohol abuse has steadily declined among teens, cannabis abuse has soared.” - Church Leaders
My Unbelieving Dad Helped Me See Jesus
“We certainly want to share eternity with our dads… but our longing for our unbelieving fathers’ salvation shouldn’t keep us from celebrating them now for the earthly good they’ve done.” - TGC
If There Is No God, Why Is There So Much Good in the World?
“Augustine summarized the argument in two great questions: ‘If there is no God, why is there so much good? If there is a God, why is there so much evil?’ To many, only the second question occurs. But the first is just as important.” - Randy Alcorn
Pew Research moves away from using “Gen Z” and other generational categories
“Our audiences should not expect to see a lot of new research coming out of Pew Research Center that uses the generational lens” - Fortune
Church and State–A Sketch in Five Acts (Principle 4)
Read the series.
Some churches in America plan to celebrate the 4th of July in some way, but may not be aware that such a thing as Trinity Sunday exists (it was on 04 June 2023). Others might maintain an American flag on their platform near the pulpit (unwitting or not, this is a symbolic message to all who enter the building), and face stiff opposition if the flag disappears. These are but two representative examples of how some American Christians of a certain persuasion think of the church v. state issue. This is a vital topic that just won’t go away, nor should it.
God, Government, and the Christian
“Christians often have questions about God and his connection to government…. especially arise when we get a government that appears to be at odds with Christian convictions. Let’s briefly explore this important topic.” - Reasons to Believe
New study: alcohol consumption may contribute to 61 diseases
“ ‘Alcohol drinking adversely affects a wide range of diseases, more than what we previously knew,’ said lead author Dr. Pek Kei Im, an intermediate research fellow at Oxford Population Health” - Fox
Should women serve as pastors? Big majorities of modern evangelicals say, 'Yes'
“Nearly three quarters of evangelicals agree that a properly trained and certified woman can preach on Sunday morning. Just 12% disagree with that statement and 15% have no opinion.” - GetReligion
Satanic Panic Happens at Hobby Lobby Over Fake Photos
“The images were created by Jennifer Vinyard, an Austin-based pharmacy tech, using an AI image generating tool called Midjourney. Vinyard posted the pictures on Facebook, Reddit and an AI art group on June 5.” - Relevant
PRRI Study: “Identity Politics” and Transgender Equality
“survey data reveals the shared values among feminists, Black Lives Matter supporters, and LGBTQ+ people and allies…the rights of transgender people are widely endorsed by progressive groups beyond the LGBTQ+ community….self-identified Christian nationalists are unique in their conservatism when compared to Americans as a whole.” - PRRI
Where Is Dispensationalism Going? (Part 5)
Read the series.
In the previous installment, I primarily addressed the need for the leaders of dispensational churches—including pastors and all members of the congregation—to take their roles more seriously.
Indeed, this will be crucial to rebuilding a culture of dispensationalism in our churches. It must extend to much more rigorous theological screening of potential candidates for ministry positions. It will also necessarily involve greater commitment and boldness when it comes to providing dispensational perspectives from the pulpit.
Restful Blissful Ignorance
“I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that I’m the only person in the world who reads through back issues of the Ann Arbor Baptist, a periodical from the late 1800s. But periodicals like that were the blogs of their era and within their pages I find such interesting articles and poems.” - Challies
“5,550 of the United Methodist Church’s approximately 30,000 US churches have disaffiliated”
“while most of those churches have followed the disaffiliation plan outlined by the United Methodist Church’s General Conference, other congregations and annual conferences have tried different ways to leave” - RNS
“60% of Americans think business owners should not have to provide services if it might signal support for beliefs on LGBT issues”
“The survey question does not ask whether business owners should have the right to discriminate against…. Rather, it asks whether business owners who object to providing services that could suggest beliefs on LGBT issues” - Pew
Review of James Durham's The Scandal of Undisciplined Disciples: Making Church Discipline Edifying
“He amply proves the need for church discipline and the dangers of its neglect, and helpfully fills in many nuanced details between the degrees of Reformed confessions and books of church order which officers can often spend countless hours seeking out from others.” - Ref21
Study: Alabama, Texas rank highest for religious, regulatory freedom; Michigan, Nevada among worst
“Napa Legal Institute released its first annual “Faith and Freedom Index” ….ranks the 50 states and the District of Columbia on how their laws protect faith-based, tax-exempt nonprofits’ ability to operate successfully and efficiently.” - Fox
Southern Baptists say no to women pastors, uphold expulsion of Saddleback megachurch
“The Southern Baptist Convention voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to uphold earlier decisions to expel two churches because they have women pastors.” - NPR
The Presbyterian Church in America Has an Abuse Crisis Too
“With a robust governing structure and a 400-page Book of Church Order (BCO) that requires strict standards for those in church leadership, the Presbyterian Church in America should be a denomination that’s good at handling abuse.” - CToday
The disappearance of the 30-something and 40-something pastor (here’s why)
“Pastors are getting older, and this trend will likely continue….The future can be bright with bi-vocational and co-vocational pastors.” - CPost
SBC Ministry Check website
I read the following in an article by Bob Simenta entitled "Southern Baptists Face Key Questions After First Day of Annual Meeting."
This section of the article I'm going to share has to do with the SBC's new website that is designed to help track abusive pastors so churches can be aware of a ministry candidate's past when making hiring decisions. What are your thoughts on the website? Do you think it should or should not also i nclude those who have been credibly accused? Here's the quote:
More Studies Show the Harm of Recreational Marijuana Use
“after more than a decade of legal recreational marijuana, we now have significantly more data. Far from being safe, recreational pot is clearly a net loss for public health.” - Breakpoint
Southern Baptists pass resolutions on the Great Commission work of women, the ethics of AI, and the office of pastor
Resolutions Committee chair: “I believe that the best resolutions are the ones that seek to state Southern Baptist opinion and not shape Southern Baptist opinion…They help us to clearly articulate what we believe to our local congregations.” - BPNews
Related: Rick Warren, other church leaders appeal Southern Baptist ouster at annual meeting - RNS
Why Go to Church? What the Bible (Really) Says
“the church isn’t primarily a place you go to. It’s a gathering of people you belong to.” - Word by Word
SBC messengers reelect Texas pastor Bart Barber to a second term as president
“Barber received 7,531 votes, 68% of the 11,014 vote total, beating out Georgia Baptist pastor Mike Stone…who received 3,458 votes, or 31%.” - RNS
Related: Bart Barber in a Landslide - SBC Voices
Shiny, Happy People is both true and false
“While the series credibly exposes these horrors, it simultaneously conflates legitimate aspects of evangelical Christianity with the misguided systems of the IBLP and ultimately heads toward faith deconstruction. ” - World
Americans are drinking as much alcohol now as in Civil War days
“The average American drinks 60 percent more hard liquor now than in the mid-1990s…. more wine, too: 50 percent more per person since 1995.” - The Hill