“beauty is an objective reality, grounded in the nature and work of God Himself…. Even those who reject the idea of universal truths and are cynical about our ability to truly know anything cannot help but wrestle with the pull of beauty.” - Breakpoint
The Holy Sexuality Project
“With so many issues to consider, with so many of them being new, and with so much at stake, parents would benefit from some guidance. And it has come in The Holy Sexuality Project, a new video curriculum by Christopher Yuan.” - Challies
Why Your Congregation Is Likely More Optimistic about the Future Than You Realize
“Over 80% of churchgoers predict a promising future for their churches. Is this figure what you would expect? Until I saw the research, I would not have guessed optimism was so high among churchgoers.” - Sam Rainer
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Designer Who Refuses to Make Same-Sex Wedding Websites
“The Supreme Court ruled Friday that an evangelical Christian web designer cannot be compelled to create a wedding website for a gay couple.” - National Review
Spiritual Influences: Fundamentalism and Its Many Manifestations
“I say Temple was ‘historic’ because its founding went back to 1892 and it was led for several years by a well-known but notorious pastor, J. Frank Norris… ‘The combined membership of the two churches was roughly 25,000’” - Ken Brown
Involving Ourselves in Every Controversy?
“So what are we to do if we are to live informed lives without allowing ourselves to be drawn into foolish controversies in which we have no responsibility from God to involve ourselves?” - Nick Batzig
The Supreme Court rules against USPS in Sunday work case
“The court ruled in favor of Gerald Groff, an evangelical Christian postal worker, who refused to work on Sundays for religious reasons and said the U.S. Postal Service should accommodate his religious belief.” - NPR
Why the ‘Active Decline’ in US Church Attendance Is ‘Urgent,’ but Not Without Hope
A look at themes related to the book: The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? by Jim Davis and Michael Graham - C.Leaders
Podcast: The Problem of Evil
Jacob Elwart interviews Ben Edwards on the problem of evil. - DBTS Podcast
John Piper says women shouldn’t lead parachurch organizations
“In an episode of the “Ask Pastor John” podcast posted on Desiring God’s website on Monday, a listener sent a message asking about female leadership in a parachurch ministry.” - CPost
With Friendship in Decline, Belonging Is a Powerful Apologetic
“Love isn’t unique to Christian communities, of course, but this verse suggests there should be something uniquely compelling about the kind of love Jesus’s disciples embody. Our friendship makes the reality of the gospel unignorable to the outside world.” - TGC
Yes, You Can Forgive Unilaterally
Dan Darling recently wrote a blog post on the topic of forgiveness. As usual with Darling, it’s thoughtful, clear, and helpful. I also agree with him. I want to expand a bit on why I believe he’s right, but first some background.
Some may not be aware that there is a debate on the nature of our obligation to forgive our fellow human beings who wrong us. The central question is this: Does Scripture require us to forgive only when a person is repentant, or can we/ought we to forgive, regardless of the attitude of the offender?
The repenters-only view
A key passage in the debate is Matthew 18, where we find two situations:
Coming Soon: Christianity and Liberalism, 100th Anniversary Edition
“Ligonier’s one-hundredth anniversary edition of [J. Gresham Machen’s] classic book, Christianity and Liberalism, shows a new generation that God’s message of salvation is timeless.” - Ligonier
A Third Way on Gun Reform
“amidst the prevailing rhetoric about gun reform, is there a third conversation that should be taking place? One that seeks to find common ground and practical solutions?” - Relevant
4 Questions to Answer Before Giving Your Child a Phone
“According to a 2021 survey by Common Sense Media, 42 percent of children in the United States own a smartphone by age 10, 71 percent by age 12, and 91 percent by age 14.” - TGC
Layers in the Creation Account? A Review of Davidson and Turner
“A recent addition to the literature by Gregg Davidson and Kenneth Turner proposes a middle way between proponents of young-earth creationism and old-earth approaches” - DBTS Blog
Church and State–A Sketch in Five Acts (Principle 5)
Read the series.
This last article in our series sketches the culminating principle for properly understanding the “church v. state” issue. It’s actually less a principle than an analogy with some implications.
Principle no. 5: “Church” is to “state” what “home” is to “work.”
It will help if you view church v. state as similar to home v. work. I’ll pretend you work in an office environment of some sort, but you can adapt the illustration however you wish. Think with me here …
What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t
“It’s important for us to understand what is demanded of us in forgiveness. Forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation, which requires two parties willing to come together.” - Dan Darling
A Model for AI-Human Collaboration
“AI systems can do certain tasks that humans cannot, and they can do things at much greater speed and with fewer errors than humans can…. humans can do certain things that AI systems cannot, and we can do certain things much faster, more reliably, and with much less energy consumption” - Hugh Ross
Transgender Teens, Pronouns, and Preferred Names: Youth Pastors Grapple with New Questions
“When I started in youth ministry six years ago, students were still asking about evolution, miracles, and the problem of evil….Those questions have … largely been displaced by questions about sexuality and gender.” - CToday
Why We Are in Ukraine
“Christopher Layne and Benjamin Schwarz… have now penned an article of extraordinary length questioning America’s role in the war….It is tremendous in length but that is about it.” - Persuasion
Catholic Democrats issue new ‘statement of principles’ defending abortion
“The statement frames abortion as a personal choice in keeping with Catholic teaching regarding freedom of conscience and suggests restrictive abortion laws may violate the separation of church and state.” - RNS
Revelation for the Rest of Us: "Speculation is the biggest problem in reading Revelation today."
“Times have certainly changed since the 70s when speculation was in vogue. Do you know how many pastors and preachers today refuse to open Revelation for sermons?” - Denison
Ancient Jerusalem—Not Where We Thought?
“Publishing in the journal Tel Aviv, Na’aman has rekindled a theory that the original city of Jerusalem was located not on the southern hill—today called the City of David—but instead on the northern hill, the location of the Temple Mount” - Biblical Archaeology
No More Pentecost Monday? French-Speaking Evangelicals Debate Defense of Christian Holidays
“Proposal to secularize the civic calendar prompts controversy.” - CToday
NHL teams will no longer wear LGBT pride jerseys to avoid 'distraction,' commissioner says
“The board of governors agreed with Bettman’s viewpoint, marking a significant shift in NHL policy.” - CPost
Does 1 John 5:13 Support Assurance of Salvation as the Essence of Saving Faith?
Robert Vacendak rightly observes that “Catholics, Calvinists, and Arminians deny absolute assurance of salvation.”1 Vacendak adds a vital hermeneutic observation that “Scholarly analyses of assurance often prioritize earlier studies, not Scripture.”2 Vacendak’s poignant reminder is a call to action that we base our understanding on the Biblical text itself.
Abortions decrease one year after Dobbs as many states restrict abortion
“KFF estimated that abortions performed in clinics in the U.S. fell from 82,450 in April 2022, two months before Dobbs, to 80,600 abortions in December 2022, six months after Dobbs.” - BPNews
Review: Reagan Rose's Redeeming Productivity
“Redeeming Productivity is consistently Biblical. Reagan works hard to quote Scripture and draw on practical wisdom from the Bible.” - DBTS Blog