On Winning the War, Part 3: The Flesh

By DOlinger

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

The second front in our three-front war, according to the common saying, is “the flesh.” The Bible uses this word in a couple of ways, one positive and the other negative. Sometimes the word refers to the sensitive part of us, the tender part, the living part—similarly to the way we use the expression “it cut to the quick.” Twice through the prophet Ezekiel God says, “I will take the stony…

Our Calling Is to “Walk Worthy,” Not to Get Results

By Aaron Blumer

As humans, we have a strong bias toward the practical. It makes sense. Even before the Fall, Adam was given responsibilities that required problem-solving, outcome-oriented, cause-and-effect thinking.

Naming the animals was a puzzle to solve (Gen 2:19-20). How do you name them all without using names twice? How do you name them in a way that is orderly? You don’t have to be Linnaeus(link is external) to notice that the characteristics of animals follow patterns. Adam would have had some interest in categorizing animals…

Before the Dark Times

By TylerR

This is a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. Read the series.

We aren’t supposed to be the way we are. That’s a fact that unbelievers often misunderstand about the Christian story. They ask, “If God is so good, then why is there so much suffering?” Well, the answer is that everything is broken everywhere all at once. God made our first parents good, but now we’re all…