Court Allows Detransitioner to Sue Doctors
“The court’s decision is the first of its kind and offers hope that ideologically motivated medical professionals who fast-track kids to transition can be stopped and even brought to justice.” - Breakpoint
- 200 views put between the first digit and the decimal point in the damages to be awarded to Miss Mosley. She's lost her breasts, her feminine voice, and is suffering pain in various areas of her body as the result of testosterone therapy.
Worth noting as well is that she falls into a too-common category; people who have been raped, and thus respond quite reasonably with various mental illnesses. So what is at hand here is, more or less, an extremely brutal lobotomy on various parts of the body.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Meanwhile we have a case in Texas where a hospital has been violating state law to promote such procedures. A whistleblower doctor reported what was going on and is now facing federal charges for violating HIPA. A nurse from the same hospital has also come forward to tell what has been happening and was recently visited by and threatened by the FBI for speaking out.
New state religion protected by state police. Raise the rainbow flag in our embassies around the globe, and let sexual freedom ring!