How long has your (senior) pastor served your church? Or how long have you served if a pastor?
Longevity of ministry has often been a topic for discussion and research. Yet, I think, few studies have been done that focus exclusively on a bunch like SI, conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists.
If you serve as the lead/main/senior/only pastor at your church, answer the question about yourself. Otherwise, answer the question about the church you are now attending.
My suspicion is that we have a good level of longevity. We’ll find out!
If you fall between the cracks (e.g., you or your pastor started serving in one church, there was a split and you or your pastor are now in the split church), please answer with the longest interpretation possible, in this example counting both tenures together.
Poll Results
How long has your (senior) pastor served your church? Or how long have you served if a pastor?
Less than 3 years Votes: 6
More than 3 but less than 5 Votes: 5
Between 5 and 10 Votes: 9
Between 10 and 20 Votes: 10
More than 20 Votes: 17
Other Votes: 0
Prior to me taking the pulpit here, Emmanuel only had two other senior pastors for its 46-year history.
I know a few men who have served close to 30 years in their current churches. Good for them! On the other hand, I personally know one church that averaged approximately 1.5 years per pastor during its first 100 years or so. At one time, the longest serving pastor almost made it to 10 years.
I’m thankful for a patient congregation that is willing to mature as I mature. I am blessed.
Discipling God's image-bearers to the glory of God.
I have been here in Marshall nearly 7 years now.The church was founded in 1946. I am only the 9th pastor.
- S.O. Linderholm, 1946-1950
- E.J. Kile, 1950-1952
- Paul Pennington, 1952-1955
- Raymond Rustad, 1955-1963
- Milton Schoepf, 1964-1971
- Paul Juris, 1972-1985
- Mark Abernathy, 1986-1997
- Dennis Eng, 1997-2007
- Greg Linscott, 2008-present
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
I began serving Immanuel Baptist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, in May of 1993 while I was still a seminary student. I served as an interim and was called to be the primary full-time teaching pastor beginning July 1, 1994. So, either way you calculate it, I have been here for just over twenty years. When I accepted the call to Immanuel, I was willing to spend the rest of my life here, but now I hope I get to spend the rest of my life here.
I am glad to see so many others here with such longevity thus far, and I’m not all that surprised with the kind of men we seem to have here on this forum. I suspect our Biblical/theological commitments drive such longevity.
I might also add that I currently serve with two other pastors/elders, one of whom has served with me for about fifteen years and the other who has served with me for about ten years. I am only 49, but they are both in their mid to late 60’s and are praying with me about seeking a couple of younger men to begin to serve with us for the future. We believe we have two — possibly three — very good candidates among the men in our congregation, so I would ask that you all please pray for wisdom for us and for the congregation as we seek the Lord’s will in the matter.
Soli Deo Gloria Reformed Baptist Blog Immanuel Baptist Church
Will be either finishing or starting his 23rd year this year at our church. We have been blessed.
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
[Greg Linscott]I have been here in Marshall nearly 7 years now.The church was founded in 1946. I am only the 9th pastor.
- S.O. Linderholm, 1946-1950
- E.J. Kile, 1950-1952
- Paul Pennington, 1952-1955
- Raymond Rustad, 1955-1963
- Milton Schoepf, 1964-1971
- Paul Juris, 1972-1985
- Mark Abernathy, 1986-1997
- Dennis Eng, 1997-2007
- Greg Linscott, 2008-present
I think we have you beat. I have been at Highland Park Church for 31 years, and am the THIRD pastor!
1949-1978— Dwight Patterson
1978-1983— Ken Miller
1983—Present — Ed Vasicek
PastorK said:
When I accepted the call to Immanuel, I was willing to spend the rest of my life here, but now I hope I get to spend the rest of my life here.
That’s how I feel about the church I serve.
"The Midrash Detective"
[Ed Vasicek]1983—Present — Ed Vasicek
…in 1983, I would have been in 7th grade… :D
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
I can give you the stats on my pastors going back to the early 90’s:
1. My current pastor has his first Sunday service in our church in 11 hours. In other words, we just called him.
2. Before him, we had a pastor who was with us for just over two years (fall 2011 to fall 2013). I don’t believe he is currently in the ministry.
3. Then we had a pastor who was the pastor of our church here in Indiana from early 2005 until summer 2011 (6 years).
4. I’m not sure how long the tenure was of the pastor of our last church when we lived in Iowa, because we were only at that church for about nine months.
5. I was a pastor for just over two years before that, from May 2002 until August 2004.
6. Before that we were members at Ankeny Baptist Church, where David Strope has been the pastor since August of 1999 (15 years).
7. Before Pastor Strope, we had Pastor Hoag, and I don’t know how long he was there, but he was the pastor during our membership from 1994 until 1998 or 1999.
My best friend has been the pastor the same church since about 2001, so 13 years now.
I would say average tenure is about 3-5 years, but there are a few stand-outs like Pastor Strope.
I’m in my 29th year. No big secret. I just hate to move.