Do you believe Revelation 12:4 teaches that 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion?
I am of the opinion (but not conviction) that there was a star created to correspond to every angel, since both angels and stars are referred to as the “host of heaven.” I also take Isaiah 14:12-15 as referring to the King of Babylon prophetically, but also as a flashback/forward to Lucifer’s fall.
In Luke 10:18 (ESV), Jesus refers to the original fall of Satan, which seems to be directly connected to Isaiah 14:
1And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Revelation 12:4 reads:
His [the dragon’s] tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.
I take this passage to refer to the fall of Satan in the past, and therefore postulate that one-third of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion.
What do you think?
Poll Results
Do you believe Revelation 12:4 teaches that 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion?
This passages suggests that 1/3 of the angels fell with Satan Votes: 14
This passage probably refers to the fall, but the 1/3 ratio is not signficant at all Votes: 2
I am 50-50 on this Votes: 0
This passage has no bearing (or probably no bearing) on the fall of Satan Votes: 0
Other or cannot decide Votes: 2
I’ve never heard that there is a star for each angel. Just curious, what happens to an angel when its star dies and becomes a black hole, neutron star, white dwarf or obliterates itself?
[Mark_Smith]I’ve never heard that there is a star for each angel. Just curious, what happens to an angel when its star dies and becomes a black hole, neutron star, white dwarf or obliterates itself?
Since both the angels and stars are called “the host of heaven,” and since Job 38:4-7 associates them together, it is a possible inference:
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
5 Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
6 On what were its bases sunk,
or who laid its cornerstone,
7 when the morning stars sang together
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
The answer to decay of stars, etc., would be that the universe was cursed because of the fall, including the stars. Whether the unfallen angels will one day receive new stars — or whether their stars are preserved — is too extended away from our text to even speculate.
"The Midrash Detective"