Do You (if in full time ministry) or does your pastor regularly meet with other pastors/leaders for prayer and fellowship?

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Poll Results

Do You (if in full time ministry) or does your pastor regularly meet with other pastors/leaders for prayer and fellowship?

Yes Votes: 13
No Votes: 2
Yes, but rarely or not frequently enough Votes: 2
Used to, but not now Votes: 0
Other Votes: 1

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


I have been blessed to meet with a few fellow pastors every-other-week for a sack-lunch prayer time since 1996. We limit ourselves to 4 church-related requests each, but as many personal requests as we want.

I have been to ministers meetings where pastors are functionaries, not people; they only focus on ministry. I think that is a shame. It sure helps to have pastor friends who are praying for YOU, not just what you do.

What are your experiences?

"The Midrash Detective"

The number of preacher have varied over the last 2 years. The most we ever had was 13 and now we run about 8. Some have moved or left for seminary, but the fellowship is wonderful. We pray, drink coffee, discuss theological questions, drink coffee, work through practical issues, drink coffee, eat a doughnut, drink coffee pray and break up about 11:00. Best non-Sunday of the month.

I have enjoyed the monthly pastor’s prayer fellowship of the WFBC SE/SW regions for the past 1 1/2 years. This prayer fellowship has been ongoing for over 20 years, and I love sharing lunch and prayer with these faithful men. As a young/new pastor, this regular prayer and fellowship has been a true blessing.
We rotate between Delavan, Beloit and Elkhorn, meeting for lunch at a restaurant at noon and then back to the church for prayer at 1. Any pastors near Elkhorn next Thursday are welcome to meet us at Pizza Ranch at noon.

Now that my other job causes me to be on the road….I find myself talking more on the phone with pastors than meeting face to face. I do like the face to face interaction, though

Roger Carlson, Pastor Berean Baptist Church