How Crucial is Focus (Concentration) In Worship?
Poll Results
How Crucial is Focus (Concentration) In Worship?
indispensible: Worship Without Our Concentration is a Farse Votes: 11
Extremely important and required as the rule Votes: 5
Important Votes: 2
Somewhat important Votes: 0
Not important Votes: 0
Varies with the person Votes: 1
Other Votes: 0
My contentions are that worship is more than music, and that most disagreements in this area are about music and not worship. In other words, it is often a preference (or passionate liking) thing that a theological matter.
But, putting that aside, I am suggesting the following:
1. Our churches are filled with attention-deficit people. For many, this attention deficit was “earned” by watching too much TV, videos, and video-games (and other high arousal activities).
2. Since more and more people cannot pay attention, the move from worshiping God is song, prayer, Scripture reading, the ordinances, and the preaching of the Word has been displaced by musical enjoyment.
3. Thus we fight over what type of music we enjoy and call this a “worship war” when, in reality, it is a music war.
4. In my view, focusing on God, His dealings, His Word, what we say to Him in prayer, the meaning of communion, or the songs we sing about Him or to Him constitutes worship, our attempt to honor Him.
VOLUMES and a zillion articles have and are constantly being written about worship. It is CRAZY, in my view.
The New Testament rarely talks of worship.
Have we lost the simplicity of directing our ATTENTION toward honoring God? Are we really fighting over replacements for worship (whether we advocate the new or old is not the point).
"The Midrash Detective"
And a reminder that dozing in church is not a new thing! Acts 20:8-10
Sometimes people think that because they are exhausted or going through something terrible they can’t worship. Or, worse, they think worship is a mood and they just can’t seem to achieve the mood.
I don’t believe that the worship of “showing up and paying your respects” is enough, but it does have value… and worship as a mood? Don’t have time to post my rant on that subject!
But Ed, I think you’re absolutely right that people are increasingly mentally lazy and do not know how to force themselves to concentrate on anything that doesn’t automatically carry their attention.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
Also, would not more up quality.edifying, robust, Davidic Psalm 150 style praise music help hold attention? I am not referring to the shallow, unedifying, 7/11 stuff currently passing for praise.
Bingo. I’ve heard many, many times where the answer to:
- Why does your worship service have X (fill in blank with whatever)? And the answer is “Because I like it.”
- Why doesn’t your worship service include X (i.e. reading the Bible out loud)? And the answer is “Because we don’t like it.”
Not advocating that we have to worship by doing things we hate, but far more its about “me” and not about God.
Possible solutions?:
1. Worship leader that repeatedly teaches/reminds the people to focus on God
2. more rich, Davidic, “Psalms 150- like” praise which more fully engages our mind and emotions.
I am NOT agreeing with all the present day manifestations of praise. Praise can be loud but not all loud music is praise. I do believe that God gave us our deep feelings to be served up to Him not just for Saturday’s ball game.
But I do see your point.
And I do see a tension. One school of thought says all emotion is effect. We engage in worship cognitively and emotions follow. Another school says we need to stir the emotions (some would say affections) in order to have the right thoughts.
Another variation focuses on human frailty: people stay engaged better when there is some “emotive” content.
I could buy the “need to stir” idea if I could figure out the difference between mere emotions and godly affections. But I don’t really understand all the distinctions Jonathan Edwards et. al. made between desires, appetites, passions, affections and what we call emotions (a more recent category). In some cases, I can see distinctions among these. In others, they blur into a single fog.
So, in practice, I’m mostly in the “cognitive” school. I don’t think anybody is completely there though. If they were, why would they choose one tune over another for a song? One seems to fit better. Why? Because the emotive content of the music better aligns with the themes in the song. Why should we care? Only if the emotive counts as well as the cognitive.
Maybe someday I’ll be smart enough to sort it all out.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
If my church member is right and the church will die unless we get video what does this say about our theology of the church and church growth? When Jesus said that the gates of Hell will not overcome His Church did He not think about the video issue? Or perhaps He did and knew video was the right way to go. HEHEHE.
Since most people including me watch too much television is it too much to ask them to take an hour or two break from video? As believers we can worship God without the aid of manmade devices, and can train ourselves to deep thinking about God and how our faith works itself out in every day life.
Don't be a great pastor, just be a pastor and let history judge for itself.
…with maybe one small addition. “Can’t we sing it all?” I think in reference to “old” vs. “new,” the answer is yes. That axis is not a problem. But when it comes to style, there are are complications because of cultural meaning. The situation with musical style is, I think, analogous to the question of using video… do we accommodate or try to teach folks better taste?
I understand the pressure, though, because if your people are sleeping from “lack of stimulation,” you really feel a desire to do something flashy.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.