Mark Minnick - The SharperIron Interview | Part 1- "The Pastor and His Study"
Note: In anticipation of this interview, two free sermon series downloads have been released by Mount Calvary here.
Dr. Mark Minnick serves as senior pastor at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He became the senior pastor in 1989 after long-term pastor Dr. Jesse Boyd stepped into the role of pastor emeritus. God took Dr. Boyd home two years later. Since 1989, Dr. Minnick has faithfully exposited the Word of God, and his ministry has multiplied through his recordings. Dr. Minnick is not only a pastor to his congregation but also a “pastor’s pastor” to preachers around the world. In addition to his pastoral ministry, he teaches at Bob Jones University, serves on the boards of Gospel Fellowship Association Missions and the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship, and serves as a member of The Committee on the Bible’s Text and Translation. Mark is a contributing editor to Frontline Magazine, where his “First Partakers” column encourages and challenges men in the ministry.
I have been a “fan” of Dr. Minnick for years. In 1995, I remember taking a mission trip to the Congo and spending five days on a speedboat, going up the Kasai River, and listening to his series on Romans. When I received $150 for Christmas one year, I used all of the funds to purchase as many of his tapes as my money could buy. I listen to him more than any other speaker besides my own pastor. If you are not a regular listener to his sermons, you are probably missing one of the finest expositors alive today. I listen to several expositors on a regular basis across evangelicalism, but I have yet to meet an equal to Dr. Minnick.
He graciously granted SI an interview, and I crammed two microphones onto a small school desk in his office space at Bob Jones University and asked him a host of questions. My burden with SI has been to encourage and to inform pastors and church leaders in Fundamentalism. Dr. Minnick has had a ministry to pastors for years, and I believe you will find his words refreshing. In Part 1 of the interview, I asked him about preaching and his study habits. In Part 2, to be released next week, I questioned him about the pastor and his reading and the topic of separation. I trust that the people who labor in churches across America will be encouraged and nourished by this man.
Jason Janz
Listen to the interview (33 min, 9.42 MB).
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Pertinent Links
Mount Calvary has a great ministry through their recording ministry and website. I want to tip you off to a couple of places that can be of help.
- The translation debate is a hot one within Fundamentalism. Dr. Minnick has a host of resources on the topic since his church adopted a position back in 2001. You can access that information here.
- Located on “Bootleg Corner,” the church has a unique history. You can read about it here.
- Adult Sunday school curriculum is available here.
- In anticipation of our interview, Robert Vincent, assistant pastor of church education and outreach, has graciously opened up a special collection of messages for free download - “Getting Back Up” and “Responding to Trials.”
- Frontline Magazine - Mark’s “First Partaker” articles are available in the PDF copies of the magazine.
- Church website with biographical information