Pastoral Authority in the Age of Podcasts


“Where congregants once began with ‘My grandmother always said …’ they now regularly begin with ‘I was listening to this podcast …’ or ‘I saw on YouTube …’” - TGC


The Word is Jesus! Should you let Jordan Peterson preach the Word to you?


“Jordan Petersen is doing a series on the Gospels on the Daily Wire. The discussion panel consists of Jordan Peterson (a Canadian psychologist and social philosopher who admittedly is not a born-again believer), Dennis Prager (a religious Jew, founder of Prager U)” and others. - P&D


Proclaim & Defend has launched a podcast


“The format of the podcast will mostly be interviews with authors of our FrontLine articles…. Giving them an additional voice to expand on their topic is what our podcast is all about.” - P&D
