What is your attitude/prediction about the "Son of God" movie coming out?

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Poll Results

What is your attitude/prediction about the “Son of God” movie coming out?

I am happy about it and looking forward to it: people I respect have endorsed it. Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0
I am happy about it and looking forward to it, but unsure Votes: 0
It is another fad that I prefer to ignore. Votes: 5
It will lead people further away from the Biblical Jesus Votes: 2
Mixed: God will probably use it despite its flaws, so I am supportive Votes: 1
Mixed: God will probably use it despite its flaws, but I am not supportive Votes: 6
Another example of lost people playing at religion Votes: 4
Totally against it! Votes: 0
Completely uncertain Votes: 3

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


The Son of God movie is being used by churches (including Catholic ones) as an outreach opportunity. But, like the Passion, those of us who are fluent in the Bible and believe in the Biblical account were frustrated by the less-than-scriptural additions and the overly-dramatized scenes.

I have not promoted it, have you? What are your views? Get us thinking!

"The Midrash Detective"

Remember “End of the Spear”? Hey, I remember “The Ten Commandments” (1956 not 1923), “The Greatest Story Ever Told”, “Ben Hur”, “The Robe”, etc. Christians have tried their hand at Biblically based films like “Wine of Morning” which used a wee bit of artistic license with the Gospel story. Can God use them? Sure. But they are quickly old news. I’ve watched them and found they sometimes stirred my emotions and provoked conversations.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan