In the west -- in 25 years-- do you think Islam will have as much or more influence than the church?

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It is impossible to predict the future beyond what the Bible reveals about the End Times. But, assuming that the Lord does not return during the next 25 years, what will be the influence of Islam compared to the influence of Christianity in the west. By “the west,” we mean Europe (i.e., most of Europe, not necessarily every nation in Europe) and North America (US, Canada, Mexico).

In the poll, we are assuming already that Europe will be more influenced than North America, so the question is not so much about which will be more. The comparison is between Islam and Christianity.

There are a lot of possible equation changers. God is sending dreams of Jesus to the Iranian and Muslim people; click HERE for an interesting article.

It seems many Muslims are coming to Christ in Islamic countries, while Islam is spreading in the west. Will Islam overtake the church in Europe (it seems it already has). How about America? What is your best guess?

Poll Results

In the west — in 25 years— do you think Islam will have as much or more influence than the church?

Yes, Islam will dominate in both Europe and N. America (though Europe more so) Votes: 2
Islam will dominate only in Europe, not N. America Votes: 2
In Europe and some of N. America (e.g., Canada) Votes: 4
Yes, Isalms will dominate in Europe, but about a tie in N. America Votes: 1
No, not in Europe or N. America; the church will emerge Votes: 0
Islam might be equal or above the church in influence, but will not hold majority status Votes: 2
Other Votes: 2
I think Islam will die down worldwide as Muslims becasue disillusioned with its violent extremes Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Had to ‘other’ on this one. I think, assuming we’re not at the eschaton in 25 yrs, Islam’s growth will taper off in both Europe and N. America but not because “the church will emerge.” More likely, a combination of factors will mitigate it. a) As it spreads in the west, it is also influenced by the west; b) cultural trend of weariness/abhorrence of Islamic extremism; c) increasing secularism (overlaps w/ a. but not completely); d) with increased prosperity, decreasing birth rates; e) with increasing dominance, in-fighting increases also (common-enemy factor loses weight and, with it, loses ability to unify Muslim factions to the degree they are now… which is really not as much as it seems already).

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[Aaron Blumer]

Had to ‘other’ on this one. I think, assuming we’re not at the eschaton in 25 yrs, Islam’s growth will taper off in both Europe and N. America but not because “the church will emerge.” More likely, a combination of factors will mitigate it. a) As it spreads in the west, it is also influenced by the west; b) cultural trend of weariness/abhorrence of Islamic extremism; c) increasing secularism (overlaps w/ a. but not completely); d) with increased prosperity, decreasing birth rates; e) with increasing dominance, in-fighting increases also (common-enemy factor loses weight and, with it, loses ability to unify Muslim factions to the degree they are now… which is really not as much as it seems already).

Aaron, this is certainly a possibility. I wonder how many will be slaughtered or killed in wars between now and then? I think we are entering some dark times.

"The Midrash Detective"